
The Air Cargo Challenge:

The Air Cargo Challenge is a European competition taking place every 2 years, organised by Euroavia (the European association of aerospace students). The goal is to design and build a radio controlled airplane that can fly as fast as possible with a maximal payload. Student teams from all over Europe (and even further) compete to each other in this challenging event.

This competition embraces every aspect of a major project. Everything starts from a profound theoretical knowledge about aerodynamics and aircraft performance. A decent design of the airplane is of utmost importance.
However, practical skills are equally important since many components of the airplane need to be built with great care. Manufacturing an airfoil for example is all about the details!
Next to this, also logistical and financial aspects come into play. Building materials need to be listed and ordered in time. And of course all of this needs to be budgeted properly.

Last but not least, just as every other professional project, a decent report and presentation of the results are indispensable.

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